Saturday, August 26, 2006

Never drink and drive

Brendon and his new buddy Cale, at the NF camp.

We recently found out that Brendon Rimmer just got out of prison, where he spent 3 weeks for drink driving, and not paying fines. Tut tut. Also, while he was in prison, his fiancée cheated on him, causing him to get so upset he decided to move to Palmy, staying with a girl called Kate, and where he has become close friends with Cale. Check out his Bebo profile:
We like the photos!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Where's Joe Schmoe?

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So whatever became of Joe SOS? After his outting and renounciation of nazism (complete bollocks on his part)it appears that Joe 'Leprechaun' Schmoe has consolidated the leftovers of the SOS into a new group.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To all our homies in Tauranga

Any folks in and around Tauranga this friday may want to head down to Krazy Jacks Bar, and let the "working class skinz" know that people dont like nazis. Photos would be appreciated!

Working class skinz-
Friday the 18th in Tauranga NZ
10 pm -KRAZY JACKS BAR-Free door entry.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kyle the Alcoholic.

We recently discovered that many of the WN’s didn’t really know much about their good buddy Kyle’s alcoholism, and denied he ever drank. Well, the reason he doesn’t drink is in fact because he is an alcoholic, and has formed a group called the Twelfth Order. The Twelfth Order is anti drinking, anti drugs group filled with WN’s. As you can see from the above picture, they are fine specimens of the Aryan race. He claims that when he was an alcoholic, he did stupid things, and got himself into trouble. So he stopped. Stupid things like wearing your girlfriend’s fishnet tights, or going hiking
with a group of guys in G-Strings Kyle (ouch!)? Yes, Kyle did tell us some very homoerotic stories, so perhaps for his peace of mind its better he did stop. Hide those true urges!!

The giving out of address’s.

We have had several requests for addresses of late, and we would like to state that although we could give them out, as we do know many of them, we wont. So please don’t bother asking. We will not stoop as low as Redwatch, which, as we’re sure you all know, is currently under investigation. We would advise other organizations to do the same, as getting innocents who may live with the scum featured on this blog involved is, frankly, not cool. As the song says: Can’t cheat Karma. We don’t need to help it along.


We are sorry for the lack of updates on this blog recently. Illnesses and other commitments have meant that we have been very busy bunnies, with little time to spare. Hopefully this situation will be rectified ASAP.
Thank you for your patience.