Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Dead Neo Nazi thread

Neo-Nazi Icon, Richard Butler, Is Dead

Richard Butler, the 86-year-old head of Aryan Nations, once the most infamous neo-Nazi group in the country, died on September 8, 2004. Butler, who outlived several designated successors, led the group for over three decades from his base in Hayden, Idaho, a menacing armed compound. However, in recent years, his ailing health and the loss of the compound due to a lawsuit had diminished the group's numbers and influence. Despite the waning influence of the group, individual members continued to be involved in a number of serious crimes.

Butler, a one-time engineer, began his involvement in the white supremacist movement after World War II when he embraced racist and anti-Semitic Christian Identity beliefs and started attending meetings of Wesley Swift's Christian Defense League. In 1971, when Swift died, Butler declared himself Swift's successor. He soon took Swift's Church of Jesus Christ Christian to Northern Idaho, renaming it Aryan Nations. The group's yearly congresses at its headquarters in Hayden attracted a wide range of racists over the years—from Klan members to skinheads to neo-Nazis.

At these congresses, which were attended by as many as 200 participants, Butler offered paramilitary training and guerilla warfare, and provided a haven for like-minded extremists to discuss their vision for an all-white nation. Butler himself urged racists to settle in the Pacific Northwest, and many did. In addition to these gatherings, Butler reached out to white supremacists in prison and tried to recruit young people through an "Aryan Nations Academy," which he established in the early 1980s.

A number of extremists, inspired by Butler's teachings, committed violent acts over the years. Among the most notorious crimes were the string of armored car robberies and murders carried out by members of The Order in the early 1980s and the shooting spree at a Los Angeles Jewish daycare center by one-time Aryan Nations member Buford Furrow in 1999.

Just in the past several years, seven different Aryan Nations members (many with previous convictions) have been arrested for alleged crimes ranging from weapons charges to hate crimes; four such arrests occurred in April-May 2004 alone, including an alleged firebombing of a synagogue in Oklahoma City in April 2004.

In the 1990s, Aryan Nations began to experience problems. Contention within the organization caused some members to leave to form their own groups. The organization also took a big hit in 1998 when a mother and son, Victoria and Jason Keenan, filed a lawsuit against the group after being assaulted by Aryan Nations guards when they stopped their car near the Aryan Nations compound. In September 2000, a jury found Butler and his group guilty of negligence in the selection, training and supervision of the guards, and the Keenans were awarded 6.3 million dollars. Butler was forced to declare bankruptcy and lost his compound in Hayden.

Over the next few years, Butler's health continued to deteriorate, and without a home base, his group began to lose both members and influence. Infighting in the group also led to the formation of various factions. At one time, three different factions vied for hegemony of Aryan Nations. In 2001, Butler named Ray Redfeairn as his successor. Redfeairn, however, left the group that year and formed his own faction, only to return in 2002. Redfeairn died in 2003 before he could take the reins.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Neo Nazis come out....

The Fringe of the Fringe
Homosexual white supremacists, sneered at by their fellow racists, come out on the Net

Ku Klux Klansmen, neo-Nazis, Christian Identity adherents, racist Skinheads and Odinists, along with your garden variety white supremacists — these are the people that populate America's radical right. They inhabit, by definition, the outermost fringes of our society.
And then there are the gay neo-Nazis.

Talk about a sect within a sect. The members of this tiny subculture on the radical right — mainly men who inhabit Web chat rooms like "Gay Aryan Resistance" — just can't seem to get any respect.

After all, the real Nazis murdered thousands of homosexuals, and most people on the modern white supremacist right act pretty much as if they'd like to follow suit.

Take Pete Peters, a leading ideologue of the racist Christian Identity religion. The title of his 1993 book, Death to all Homosexuals, leaves little to the imagination. Or consider Fred Phelps, the radical Topeka Baptist. He runs the web site. Tom Metzger, who leads the White Aryan Resistance, offers up for his part cartoons that depict gay men being beaten to death.

No matter. Homosexual white men, declares a web page called the Gay Racialist Network (, are "nature's elite." While straight men are good for breeding, gay white men are "charismatic leaders that possess ... genius."

Similar messages appear on sites like Gays Against Semitism (, and especially in chat rooms with names such as "Gay Nazi Sex," "Gay Nazi WP [White Power] Fetishists," "Gay Aryan Neo-Nazi Skinheads," "Nazi Muscle" and, most curious of all, "Diapered Skinheads."

"The Gay Aryan Mann [sic] must rise up," writes one impassioned man in the "Gay Aryan Resistance" chat room, "and destroy ZOG [the "Zionist Occupation Government"] and end the Semitic homophobia imposed on our Kultur!"

Or, in the posted message of a rare lesbian: "Even if you are gay and white, or retarded and white, YOU ARE WHITE. BOTTOM LINE! Instead of letting the white race go extinct because of worthless races such as the african [sic] race or the mexican [sic] race popping out literally millions of babies a day, we have to fight this fucked up shit they are doing. They are raping our country."

Although it will come as a surprise to many, there has long been a fascist homosexual subculture. Hitler's paramilitary SA storm troopers had a significant gay element — until SS head Heinrich Himmler announced that all gays would be sent to concentration camps "and shot while trying to escape.

Small groups of gay neo-Nazis dotted the European landscape after the war, while in America homosexuality continues to be a "secret of postwar American National Socialism," according to Jeffrey Kaplan, a well-known scholar of extremism.

In fact, Kaplan writes, gays made up a "significant" — if carefully hidden — part of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party in the 1960s. In 1974, the first openly gay American neo-Nazi group, the National Socialist League, was formed in Los Angeles by Russell Veh. Before disappearing in the 1980s, the group put out a journal — NS Kampfruf — complete with explicit photographs and racy advertisements.

This reality has been acknowledged by some white supremacists. Long-time neo-Nazi Harold Covington, revealing his own homophobia, put it this way: "[T]his movement has a distinct tendency to attract faggots because of the leather-macho image that the System Jew media imparts to the SS uniform."

Today, life remains tough for the committed gay neo-Nazi. After a heterosexual neo-Nazi chat room called the "Racialist Club of America" expelled "practicing homosexuals" recently, one gay man wrote, "[W]e will never win this war as long as they [straight neo-Nazis] are considered the NORM of white pride groups."

Another man, in considerably more despair, asked this question: "What does belonging to a group, who would kill you along with everyone else the second they found out what you were really, make you feel like?"

Intelligence Report
Fall 2000

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Polish police arrest man suspected of co-authoring a far-right Web site

(AP) - WARSAW, Poland - Police have arrested a second man suspected of helping run the Web site of a banned extreme right group espousing Nazi ideology, a police spokeswoman said Monday.

The man, identified under Poland’s privacy law only as 21-year-old Bartosz B., from the northern city of Slupsk, faces charges of disseminating Nazi ideas, xenophobia and participation in an illegal group, spokeswoman Beata Tobiasz said.

Police suspect he translated Polish texts into English for the international “Redwatch” Web site, allied with the far-right Blood and Honor [bonehead gang], and helped the managers keep in touch with its administrators [DreamHost] in the United States.

He was detained on Friday and can be held for two months as the charges are investigated further. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison.

Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said Monday he hopes that police actions will prevent any kind of dissemination of Nazi ideology in Poland.

Poland lost [sic] 6 million citizens, half of them Jews, under Nazi occupation during World War II.

Last week, police arrested a man suspected of being the Polish administrator of the Web site.

The arrests came after a woman told the police that her name and picture are on a list of “antifascists” posted on the Redwatch Web site[?] Redwatch is an international far-right group based in Britain. [Redwatch is a project of Blood and Honour — an international gang of boneheads.] Its Web site posts names, photos and addresses of human rights activists, gays and left-wing journalists under the slogan: “Remember places, traitors’ faces, they all pay for their crimes.”

Last month, a man on the same list was stabbed in the back and seriously wounded in Warsaw.

In reaction, Poland has asked the U.S. government to help it shut down [DreamHost] the American-based server hosting the Web site.